Finally 26 of august i finally stepped to my hometown..My bad the day b4 I had missed my flight to penang..Seriously i felt wanna cry n sit in the middle of the airport n cry out loud..But that not gonna happen im not gonna embarrass
myself..I called my uncle he made a beautiful U turn to take me back home in KL.
The next day I set off in the morning with my uncle family..It have been 1 1/2 years in KL..To recall back all the memories really gonna make my tears stream down my cheek n bounce on the floor..
Not to late for me to say Salam Ramadhan..even we left few days for it..Syawal gonna come..
n these all the memories i had recorded..
My class..M2M4..I sit at the 1st row..ujung skali..
On April,I came to KL for college registration n immediately went to class..Get shock to see all indian..But after that I get used to it.Once I entered the class the 1st person I saw was JAY..he such a funny guy..n the 1st guy i talk too after 2yrs nv talk to guy..My peers kept asking me "ur fren all indian?" n quite sometime they like to tease me..The truth is they actually just the same..The best part is they learned my culture n so do I..I tried to understand their language they tried to improve Bahasa..n can't believe myself when i meet up with schoolmate(which all malays) i felt awkward especially to see malay guy..n till now my Indian n Chinese guy still friend but not malay.. They also make me feel free to speak english confidently.They lift up my spirit..But it doesn't mean i forget my malays friend..
My beloved classmates..fuhh my name is the 1st..I took this picta from my besfren PONG.. |
My college |
This is the main entrance to my college..n ifound 1 banner of president college in my hometown..ahahha..what 4 they put there?
my 1st housemate..another 2 go makan..we love each other.. |
They are my 1st housemate..C.K 2nd from left.She is the tallest n she 's funny n cute..Beside her is Sasi aka berok btul..She is the only one stayed with me till the end of college..She is such a caring person..
Sifu math Suk Gun..She is now in India..n last but not least jaynisha..She is dinosour..She's funny n really helpful..MISS U GUYS alot..Once u guys leave us( me n sasi) we had goin through lot of bad sad..:(
Powerpuff Cake..
The memory still vivid in my mind..I came to college on april n my birthday is on may..So i was surprised by when they gave me a sweet card n a nice present.At that time I stil new n friend only my frens who sit in the same row..They will celebrate each of us with a big surprise..I will never forget that..
Yee Sang |
Celebrating Chinese New Year in college..We all wearing red n some wearing pink..n made a wish together...
A trip to BatuCave |
here is the prove we were in BatuCave.. |
A day b4 we actually planned to go for shopping.When the day came it fall on friday.So all indian they were wearing punjabiSuit.One suggest to go BatuCave together with half of our classmate..
my merbokian..Atiff n Filza..spent time in sikit2.. |
sandwich for picnic.. |
I made a bunch of sandwich for our own so called PoolParty..
1,2 smile!!hee..lecturers n student..the nice 1 would always b lecturers n others all student..
surely can guess which 1 is lecturer n student..
We had so much fun..Taking pictures on Award day Ceremony..Even i didn't get any of the award but njoy myself with all my friends...Drama part i will nv forget..i felt i did the worst job..
my the oni pink rose there..on award day.. |
King of the Bowl.. |
We all in same team..n competitors at the same time.."aku nk angkat bola tu pown dh xlarat,nmpak sgat"..
AWWWWWW sweetnya sayang :D
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yeah!!miss u ..tigat timehangout ngan