cucu2 xdapat lari nenek TUA banyak sakti......
ok dah stakat tu ja ingat...
ok dah stakat tu ja ingat...
teringat nenek di kampung yang suka tidoq lewat bercerita ..cerita sampai cucu lena..masa kecik boleh la lena kroh2 tunggang tebalik..
Dah besaq..ok saya memang still tidoq dengan tok walaupun dh masuk U..Kat mana tadi...??
Ok bila dah besaq kalau tertidoq sikit ja akan bangun juga untuk dengar tok bercerita walaupun benda dia cerita tu dah 4,5 ,6 kali dah dengaq..tak apa dengar jaa..
Tok in Kedah , opah in perak nogori ka ap,granny kat negara omputih joo...
Semakin tua nenek2 ni mereka kesunyian..cucuu la tempat mereka senangkan hati...Tok saya cute!!Suka bancoh milo n peneman setia malam2 bila nak online.
saya masih ada 2tok..
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Kan dah kata tok saya comey..xmaw caya.. |
saya masih ada 2tok..
Sememangnya nenek tua saya xdak laa blog untuk update..
Kalau tok ada tak tau la misti banyak crita..sat2 pi rumah makngah menjahit sambil bagi makan kucing,rumah maknjang mkan ikan goreng ,sotong suma seafood laahh,rumah maaksu fuyoo jalan2 tengok KLCC n shopping mydinn,rumah pakcik main dengan cucu paling ganas..
I remember when i was small...My dad treat me very well..As my mom did busy with her studies..My dad lend his time to pamper n give me what i want..I even seriously not hesitate to ask him so many thing..I don't know how many teddy bear I had at that time but i still ask for it..He let me bought one cute bear cream color..I cried every morning because I was too lazy to wake up in the wee hours of the morning my mom just ignore me she don't like me crying,she did for reason but my dad carried me for shower...He drove me to my kindergarten in bangsar..It still vividly in mind my dad carried me in his both arm to cross the fence near there i guess...Even when i was about age of 6 he still send me to the other kindergarten in Shah Alam near his office.Sometime my mum..I always be the first to reach there..
1 week before my birthday, I will definitely went to bakery shop to choose my own design of the like me love that..I had a great party mostly at home every year..I never miss it until Im about 16yearsold..
They always there for me..I love their present more than others...It kind of special to me..I played games n unwrapped the present..The best moment that I never thought that i will lost when i get older..I was thrilled n overjoyed with everything..
n Today 12nd of May 2012 I celebrate my birthday without them..
waiting for their call the next morning..wait n wait n wait..But still none of it..no1 call me..
Emotion sometime run down through me..
Text her and ask why she did not call me like everyday she always did..She reply my whatapps saying that she is tired n need some rest...I certainly understand what she is going through every work day n of course she should have some rest on saturday n sunday..
Around 2 I was ready to set up for my picnic with friends here...Waiting other friend to bring food n all the stuff..
We enjoyed ourselves eating the crabstick beef chicken n etc...I went to the bend of the lake to talk to my mum..I merely borrowed phone from my friends..When we were talking she couldn't hear what i was trying to say but it was not the total block of our conversation...We talk like a few minutes then That's it...i don't know if she know how much I miss her..really2 miss her..
I haven't talk to my dad..It has been like one week i never really have long conversation like we did before..
Then I just sat there silently stunned n have no idea what I was thinking at that moment..contemplate the moment when me n her..She cuddled me when i cried even she don't really like it..She taught me to b strong..Kiss my head before sleep..the one being excited for my birthday..
My tears started to crawl then streamed down my cheek..Can't believe this is the first time I was celebrating my birthday without them..Can't see their face their smile their present...n all what they used to prepare for me..none of them..All in its own..
Few minutes then my friend came n cheer me up..Asking "why my dear u miss ur mum,it s okay..
n I smile indulgently even in my heart..How could she be so strong than I do?Why still I cry when I know someone that I love it just not there but for sure it will be with me somehow just not that time?She smile she had it all through n the reality is she never gonna meet her mum again..I should be grateful..My tears seem to cool down n dry up...We talked n chitchat there..The lake was so calm n peaceful..So emotional place..
Listening someone played guitar behind me..The song i loved..for short while...
I turned n saw a small cute cake with strawberry n raspberry on top + blueberry...I smile n looked at all of friends already build dam in her eyes,the tears gonna burst at anytime..i hugged her n whispered my thank n all things they did for me...
They are family for me here..We played joke,bullying,support,caring n loving each other...I will never forget that...Alhamdulillah Im happy today...tuu la sampai sekarang xleh tido..aiyaaaa!!!
And at last i enjoy my birthday my Moscow Family..Love them..